26 Jul 2024

Do Gaming Videos Get Demonetized on YouTube? Common Reason Gamers Be Demonetized Do Gaming Videos Get Demonetized on YouTube? Common Reason Gamers Be Demonetized

There is a general fear in the gaming community that gaming videos get ‘flagged’ more than the other types of content. Gaming content makers lose their ad revenue seemingly over nothing overnight. The question remains: is YouTube gaming demonetization truly out of control or what is happening? Let’s find out!

18 Jul 2024

How Much Do Live Streamers Earn? How Much Do Live Streamers Earn?

Live streaming has gained rapid popularity over the past years. Why, you might ask? Well, that's simple enough to answer – for creators, it's an easy, dynamic, and organic way to engage with their audience in real-time. But how much and how easy can you earn? Let's find out!

02 Jul 2024

YouTube Monetization  How much does YouTube pay for 1 million views?

The amount that YouTube pays creators for 1 million views can vary a lot and depends on several factors. In this article, we will understand what affects the amount of money YouTube creators make.

25 Jun 2024

how to make money with youtube streaming How to Make Money with YouTube Streaming?

YouTube live streams are a great way for content creators to engage with their audiences and offer unique monetization opportunities. Let’s look at different ways to make money with YouTube streaming!

18 Jun 2024

Music Copyright Laws: Protect & Monetize Your Songs Guide to Music Copyright: Protect and Monetize Your Compositions and Recordings

If you want to make money from your music compositions or recordings and protect your work from being misused, understanding copyright laws is crucial.

13 Jun 2024

Tactics for a YouTube Revenue Boost Earn More on YouTube: 5 Simple Tweaks for Revenue Boost

Ways to make money on YouTube are well-known, but there are common pitfalls that might be holding you back.

29 May 2024

Patreon VS YouTube Membership for Creators Patreon or YouTube Membership: What’s Right for You?

Patreon and YouTube Memberships may look alike, but they each have unique perks and drawbacks. In this article, we'll compare the two and discuss whether using both could benefit you. Let’s get started!

16 May 2024

Strategies for Effective YouTube Memberships From Subscribers to Members: Strategies for Effective YouTube Memberships

Are you ready to take your channel to the next level with YouTube Memberships? If so, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll dive into some fantastic tips and tricks to maximize your Memberships. Let’s get started and unlock those awesome benefits!

01 May 2024

How to Get Sponsored: Getting Brand Deals for Creators Cracking Brand Deals: How to Get Sponsored

Let's skip the endless chats with brands that go nowhere and learn some quicker ways to get sponsored! Shall we?

16 Apr 2024

Restore YouTube monetization Checklist to Restore YouTube Monetization

YouTube monetization allows creators to earn money from their videos through various revenue streams, primarily advertising. Creators often face demonetization, resulting in significant financial loss. What can be done to prevent this? We have put together a useful checklist for you to follow!