How to Post Videos Regularly: Tools That Will Help Creators Manage Their Time

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17 Min

Last updated

22 Oct 2024

How to Post Videos Regularly

Ever feel like you’re constantly racing against the clock to create, edit, and post your videos? Or maybe you're wondering how to stay consistent with uploads without feeling totally overwhelmed with content creation and management. You’re not the only one!

Managing your time as a content creator can feel like a juggling act. The good news is that we have content creator tips! There are many tools and strategies out there that can save you time and help you avoid that dreaded burnout. So, how do you stay organized, manage your time better, and still deliver content your audience loves? Let’s dive into some time-saving tips and tools that can make your life much easier as a YouTube creator.

Why Time Management Is Key for Creators

Time is your most valuable asset as a creator. Every video needs planning, shooting, editing, and promoting, and without a solid plan, your day can disappear fast. Plus, staying consistent is a must on YouTube. Posting regularly boosts visibility, keeps your audience engaged, and helps your channel grow. So, how do you manage it all without burning out? Here’s a breakdown of some tips for content creators to help you keep everything on track.

A Different Take on Batch Processing

Some creators swear by batch processing – working on multiple videos at once to maximize efficiency in content creation and management. But instead of seeing this as a rigid strategy, what if we looked at it as an experiment in creative momentum?

Imagine having a brainstorming session where you think of four or five video ideas all at once. Once you're in that creative groove, maybe the ideas flow more easily, and the next thing you know, you’ve sketched out plans for several videos. From there, you can keep building on that energy by scripting them in one go or even recording multiple videos in a single session.

The beauty of batch processing is that it taps into the energy of staying in one task, but it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You might even find that doing similar tasks back to back – like editing a few videos in one sitting – feels more natural than stopping and starting different parts of the process. It's a content creator tip to explore if you feel like starting fresh each time drains your energy.

How to Post Videos Regularly

Task Management: Not Just for the Ultra-Organized

Some creators love using task management tools. Others? Not so much. But it’s worth considering how task management can streamline your content creation and management process, especially for repetitive tasks like creating videos.

Instead of relying on your memory to keep track of everything, a task management tool can serve as a gentle reminder of all the steps involved – scripting, shooting, editing, optimizing, and publishing. It doesn’t have to feel like a rigid system; in fact, it can be as simple as a quick reference that keeps you grounded when things get hectic.

The mental space you save by using a task manager might surprise you. Sometimes, just knowing everything is written down and organized frees up energy for the fun stuff – like coming up with new video ideas. So, even if task management isn’t usually your thing, this content creator tip might be worth giving it a shot to lighten the load.

There are plenty of content task management tools that can make this process even smoother. These tools help streamline your workflow, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. We’ve listed some of the best options below, so you can find one that fits you best.


Done Over Perfect: Rethinking the End Goal

Perfectionism is something many creators struggle with. We all want to put out high-quality content, and there’s definitely value in that. But there’s also the idea that sometimes, good enough really is good enough when it comes to content creation and management.

Maybe instead of striving for that “perfect” video every time, it’s worth asking yourself: How much time are you spending tweaking details that, in the grand scheme of things, might not make much difference? Could that time be better spent creating more videos and getting better at your craft over time?

There’s a certain freedom in letting go of the idea that every video has to be perfect. What if, instead, the focus was on improvement and growth? Each video you post might teach you something new, and the more content you create, the better you’ll get at the whole process. Maybe that’s where real progress lies – not in making a flawless video, but in making lots of videos and learning along the way.

The Bigger Picture: Aligning Actions with Priorities

At the end of the day, every content creator has a unique life, full of competing priorities. Posting regularly might not always be easy, but maybe it’s worth thinking about where your YouTube channel fits into the larger picture of your life.

Are there areas where you could shift things around to make more time for your content? Or perhaps, is there value in accepting that, for now, other things might be more important to you? There’s no right or wrong answer – just an opportunity to reflect on how your time and energy are spent.

For those times when you do feel like pushing ahead, though, these content creator tips – finding small pockets of time, considering batch processing, using time management tools, and embracing “done” over “perfect” – might help you make the most of your time management. You don’t have to do it all at once, but you can explore what feels right for you and your creative journey.

AIR Media-Tech spent over a decade helping creators overcome various challenges and reach new goals, developing over 30+ specialized tools to make their journey more smooth and efficient. If you are not yet our partner, join AIR Media-Tech to experience the efficiency of our ultimate space for content creators, which simplifies your workflow and enhances your content creation journey.

And now, let’s walk through some tools that will help you manage time more efficiently and streamline your content creation process.

1. ClickUp: Advanced Project Management for Creators

ClickUp is a powerful project management tool that offers more flexibility and depth than most standard task managers. Unlike Google Calendar, which is great for basic scheduling, ClickUp allows you to break down your content creation process into actionable tasks, assign due dates, create recurring tasks, and even automate reminders.

You can use it to build out workflows for each video – from research to promotion – and integrate it with other tools like Google Drive or Dropbox to ensure you never lose track of assets. It’s particularly useful for creators managing a larger team or running multiple content series at once.

Insight: With ClickUp’s real-time task tracking, you can easily see the progress of every task, whether it's handled by your team or freelancers. This transparency ensures that no one is held up waiting for someone else’s work, helping you avoid bottlenecks and keep your content pipeline flowing smoothly. Plus, it fosters better collaboration by keeping everyone aligned and accountable without the need for constant check-ins.

How to Post Videos Regularly

2. Trello: Keeping Your Content Pipeline Flowing

Think of Trello as a visual map of your content creation journey. Got a video idea while in line at the grocery store? Add it to Trello! You can create boards for every stage – idea, script, shoot, edit, publish – and move each video along the pipeline as it progresses.

It’s not just about organization; it’s about giving you peace of mind. When you see everything laid out visually, you can spot bottlenecks in your process and adjust accordingly. Plus, if you’re collaborating with a team, Trello makes it easy for everyone to see what’s next without chasing down answers.

3. Asana: The Ultimate Team Tool

If you’re running a channel with a team, Asana is a key point for you. You can assign tasks to specific team members and get updates without having to send a million emails. If your editor needs that B-roll footage by Friday, just set the deadline in Asana, and it’ll send them reminders – saving you from “babysitting” tasks.

Asana keeps everything transparent. Whether you’re working with a regular team or just outsourcing occasional tasks, everyone knows exactly what’s happening and when. That’s less time spent managing people and more time spent creating.

4. TubeBuddy: Simplify Your YouTube Growth

TubeBuddy is like having a YouTube assistant. It handles the tedious stuff – like figuring out what keywords to use and generating tags – so you can focus on making great content. It even schedules your videos to go live when your audience is most active, boosting your chances of hitting the algorithm just right.

What’s cool about TubeBuddy is how it saves you from guesswork. Instead of spending hours trying to optimize each video manually, TubeBuddy gives you data-driven suggestions that actually work. The result? More time to focus on creativity, less time worrying about whether your video will be seen.

Our partners recently reached 125 billion YouTube views, achieving milestones of 100K, 1M, 10M, and 100M subscribers. AIR Media-Tech is the ultimate space for content creators, offering tools and solutions for every challenge you might face. Join AIR Media-Tech and grow faster with us!


5. Buffer: Social Media Time Management Saviour

Once your video is live, promoting it on social media can feel like a second full-time job. Buffer takes that load off your plate by letting you schedule posts ahead of time. You can batch-create posts for an entire week in one go, set them to go live at the best times, and move on to other things.

And the beauty is, your audience still sees you as active, even when you’re deep in the editing room. Consistent social media presence equals more engagement and more views on your videos without constantly thinking about what to post.

Pro Tip: Schedule posts beforehand to promote your videos even when you’re knee-deep in your next project.

How to Post Videos Regularly

6. Notion: Organize Your Creative Brain

Ever feel like you have a thousand ideas but no way to keep track of them? That’s where Notion comes in. It’s an all-in-one space to organize your notes, scripts, ideas, and even research. It’s like having a digital notebook that keeps everything in one place, so you never have to scramble for that brilliant idea you jotted down last week.

You can create templates for each stage of your process – research, scripting, video outlines – and pull them up whenever you need them. It’s especially useful for those who work on multiple projects at once. Your ideas won’t get lost, and your creative flow stays smooth.

7. AirTable: Step Up Your Content Planning

If you’re ready to take your content planning to the next level, AirTable is where you go. It’s like a more advanced version of Trello, allowing you to create detailed content calendars, track video performance, and even plan for multiple platforms.

The great thing about AirTable is how customizable it is. You can create different views to see your entire content schedule at a glance, filter videos by topic, or even set up reminders for collaborations or sponsorships.

8. AI Tools: Speed Up Script Writing and Design

AI tools like Jasper for script writing and Canva for thumbnail creation are real time-savers. Jasper can help you draft a script in minutes, giving you a foundation to build on, while Canva’s drag-and-drop design tools make thumbnail creation a breeze. It’s like having a personal assistant that handles the tedious tasks, freeing you up to focus on the creative aspects of your channel.

Don’t Forget to Delegate!

If you’re feeling stretched thin, consider delegating. Outsource editing, scriptwriting, or even social media management so you can focus on what you do best – creating. Platforms like Fiverr or Upwork make it easy to find freelance help for the tasks you don’t need to handle personally.

On top of all these tools and strategies, leveraging creator spaces like AIR Media-Tech can supercharge your time management. There are over 30 creator tools and expert support that take a lot of the heavy lifting off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on what matters – creating great content. With our support, you can streamline your workflow and grow your channel without getting bogged down by the details.

How to Post Videos Regularly

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Consistency is key in YouTube content creation and management, but it doesn’t have to come at the cost of your sanity. By using these tools, strategies and content creator tips, you can streamline your workflow, save time, and keep up with your upload schedule without feeling overwhelmed. And if you’re looking for that extra boost, partnering with AIR Media-Tech could be just the thing to help take your channel to the next level. 

Now, what will you create next?

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