How to get more comments on YouTube? - AIR Media-Tech

10 Ways to Motivate Your Audience Write Comments Under Your Videos

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8 Min

Last updated

28 Nov 2024

10 Ways to Motivate Your Audience Write Comments Under Your Videos

Encouraging your audience to comment on your YouTube videos is a skill every seasoned creator needs to master. An active comment section signals YouTube algorithms that your content is worth promoting. However, the usual tactics—like asking generic questions—can feel tired and uninspired to experienced creators. If you’ve been in the game for a while, here are 10 less conventional, highly tactical strategies to inspire meaningful interactions in your comment section.

1. Polarizing Questions (within limits)

Asking questions in your videos so the audience can respond in the comment section is an all-time classic that has been used forever. However, instead of asking neutral questions, present a polarizing one (just don’t overdo it, remain sensitive). Your ‘hot take’ can be related to your video topic that invites your audience to agree or debate. This can spark genuine conversations and ensure your audience feels compelled to weigh in

However, do remember that things cannot get too heated, or else your comment section will turn into a warzone. Moderate it and make it clear that no toxicity shall be tolerated.

2. Gamified Challenges

Create mini-challenges within your videos that naturally encourage viewers to comment. For example:

  • Introduce an Easter egg hunt in your videos and ask viewers to comment when they spot it. 
  • Post riddles or trivia questions, with a promise to feature correct answers in your next video.
  • Some people even dedicate whole videos for special challenges and easter eggs such as separate analog horror channels that tell a real or a somewhat real story. It can be really fun!
  • Reddit challenges can also be a fun way to encourage people to comment.

Reward people for their comments with some interesting hints to the game you have created.

Gamified challenges can be really fun for both parties involved.

3. Community Voting

Ask your audience a question. It can be everything from a simple question about their opinions on something, or even whether or not they like the direction your content is taking right now (or if it needs to be spiced up/changed). Use comments as a voting mechanism:

  • “Should the next video be about [Topic A] or [Topic B]? Let me know in the comments!”
  • “Which character deserves a deep dive next? Cast your votes!”

This ensures viewers feel invested in your channel's future and are excited about the presented choices.

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4. Collaborative Content Creation Event

Invite your audience to co-create content through their comments. It can be something as simple as you asking your audience about their favorite weird food combinations and then making a video about it! As another example:

  • For storytellers: “Let’s create a story together—add the next sentence in the comments!”
  • For product reviewers: “Tell me what feature I should test next!”

This strategy turns your viewers into active participants of your channel, which, in turn, builds loyal viewership.

5. Emotionally Resonant CTAs (Call to Actions)

Frame your requests in ways that tap into your audience’s emotions:

  • Share a personal anecdote and ask your viewers to share theirs: “This is how I overcame my fear of public speaking. What’s a fear you’ve conquered? Let’s chat in the comments!”
  • Use empathetic prompts like, “If this video resonates with you, share your story below. I read every comment!”

Don’t forget that the more your audience comments, the more visible you are in the eyes of the YouTube algorithm.

Ask good questions and the audience is sure to respond.

6. Time-Sensitive Comment Incentives

Create a sense of urgency by tying comments to limited-time opportunities:

  • “Leave your feedback within 24 hours for a chance to get featured!”
  • “I’m replying to every comment posted in the first hour—let’s chat!”

Time-bound interactions encourage your audience to try and comment as soon as possible instead of waiting.

7. Narrative Hooks

Break the fourth wall and create a narrative that integrates comments into your content. Example:

  • Use previous comments as “letters” you read aloud and respond to in-character during your video.
  • Create a fictional ongoing story where viewer comments influence the plot

8. Social Experiment or Data Collection Drive

Frame your comment section as a space for collective insight or exploration:

  • “What’s the most underrated movie you’ve ever seen? Let’s make a list in the comments!”
  • “I’m testing the power of audience interaction—can we reach 500 unique comments on this video?”

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of questions.

9. Create a Comment-Driven Series

Transform your comment section into a driving force for a recurring video series. Instead of merely addressing comments, elevate them into a creative core that shapes your content strategy. For example:

  • "Comment Cooking Challenge": Food creators can ask viewers to suggest wild or challenging recipe ideas and then make a video attempting the most upvoted suggestion.
  • "Fix My Mistake": Tech or DIY channels can ask the audience to critique their methods or suggest alternative ways to solve a problem tackled in the video.
  • "What If?" Series: Ask viewers to propose hypothetical scenarios or concepts for you to explore in-depth.

Example Implementation: A YouTuber in the travel niche could ask, “Where should I go next? Leave your suggestions, and I’ll feature one in my upcoming series!” 

10. Personalized Comment Prompts

Make comment prompts that resonate deeply with your niche, using highly specific, insider questions that only true fans or enthusiasts would be passionate about answering.

As an example:

  • A fitness channel could ask: “What’s your biggest gym pet peeve? Let’s get the ultimate list going!”
  • A gaming channel could ask: “If you could change one thing about [specific game mechanic], what would it be?”
  • A history channel might ask: “If you could ask one historical figure a single question, who and what would it be?”

Bonus Tips for Creators

The art of YouTube goes beyond standard tactics and the same goes for encouraging your audience to leave a comment. However, the biggest advice we can give is to experiment. You will never know what works best for you until you try and implement it. And we, at AIR Media-Tech, are always ready to help with whatever questions you might have!

Remember, a thriving comment section isn’t just a metric—it’s the heart of a dedicated community. Keep the conversation flowing, and watch your channel’s growth soar.

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