Pouring your time, creativity, and resources into producing original content is hard work and the last thing you’d want is for someone else to reap the rewards. How do you protect it all? By setting up YouTube Content ID. Of course, getting it to work isn’t as simple as flipping a switch. It’s a nuanced process, but we are here to guide you through it step by step.
What Is Content ID and Why Should You Care?
At its core, YouTube Content ID is a digital fingerprinting system. It scans videos uploaded to the platform and matches them against a database of registered content. If your work is included in that database, the system can identify unauthorized uses and allow you to choose what happens next—whether that’s monetizing the video, tracking its performance, or taking it down entirely.
It can be special for creators, who produce original songs, because it helps them to get the credit (and revenue) for every instance of their content being used. But there’s a catch to it too: not everyone qualifies for Content ID access, and the process to set it up involves more than just signing up.
Who Qualifies for YouTube Content ID?
Before we dive into the "how," let’s talk about the "who." Content ID isn’t available to every YouTube creator. It’s primarily designed for those who produce:
- Original audio or visual works: This includes music, videos, animations, and more.
- Unique and exclusive content: Your videos need to stand out as truly yours—no recycled footage or stock content.
- Copyrighted material you own: You must hold the rights to the content you're registering.
If you’re unsure whether your content qualifies, don’t worry—YouTube has strict guidelines, but working with an experienced partner like AIR Media-Tech can significantly simplify the evaluation process.
Facing unauthorized use of your content? Setting up Content ID is the way to go! At AIR Media-Tech, we set up a Content ID for our partners. And we can help you do that as well, because you will not be able to do so by yourself. Just drop us a message and we will do the rest!
How to Set Up Content ID for Your Videos
Now that we have figured out with the ‘who’, we can look at the ‘how’ aspect in more detail. Here’s a step-by-step guide!
1. Understand What You Need
Setting up Content ID starts with preparation. Here’s what you’ll need to gather:
- Proof of ownership: Have clear documentation that you own the rights to your content. Contracts, agreements, and timestamps on original files can help.
- A high-quality master file: You’ll need an unaltered version of your content to upload to YouTube’s database.
- Defined policies: Decide what actions you want Content ID to take when a match is found. For example, will you monetize, track, or block unauthorized uses?
2. Apply for Content ID Access
Creators can’t apply for Content ID directly through YouTube. Instead, you’ll need to go through:
- A third-party partner: AIR Media-Tech specializes in helping creators gain access to Content ID. We handle the heavy lifting—submitting applications, managing policies, and optimizing your setup.
- YouTube’s direct partners: This option is limited to larger entities like record labels, studios, or major publishers.
Working with an MCN (Multi-Channel Network) or a partner like us ensures that your application is thorough and stands the best chance of approval.
3. Set Policies for Detected Matches
- Monetize: Earn ad revenue from videos using your content. This is the most popular option for creators.
- Track: Monitor where and how your content is being used, without generating revenue.
- Block: Prevent others from using your content entirely.
Choosing the right policy depends on your goals. For example, if your focus is on expanding reach, tracking might make sense. If revenue is your top priority, monetizing is the way to go.
4. Monitor and Optimize
Setting up Content ID isn’t a one-and-done process. To get the most out of it, you need to:
- Regularly review claims: Not every match will be intentional theft. Some may fall under fair use or be the result of unintentional overlap.
- Adjust policies as needed: Over time, your priorities may shift. Stay flexible and update your Content ID policies to align with your current goals.
- Use analytics: Use the data provided by Content ID to understand how your content is being used most often.
Common Pitfalls to Avoid
We’ve seen creators make avoidable mistakes that can derail their Content ID setup. Here’s what to watch out for:
- Failing to provide clear proof of ownership: Without solid documentation, your application may be denied.
- Overzealous blocking: Blocking everything can alienate fans and collaborators who might otherwise promote your content.
- Ignoring disputes: When someone disputes a claim, respond promptly and fairly. Ignoring disputes can harm your channel’s reputation.
Why Work with AIR Media-Tech?
At AIR Media-Tech, we’ve been helping creators like Waterflame Music, Kids Diana Show and so many others to unlock the full potential of YouTube. Our expertise with Content ID ensures your content is protected, your claims are fair, and your revenue streams are maximized.
Ready to protect your original content? Contact AIR Media-Tech today to get started.