Iryna Avramenko

Creative Growth & Language Impact Analyst


Iryna Avramenko

Creative Growth & Language Impact Analyst

Iryna is an expert voice in the intersection of languages and the creative economy. Fluent in English, Spanish, and Ukrainian, she has dedicated years to exploring how language barriers are breaking down through innovative translation techniques. Iryna combines her passion for linguistics with a deep understanding of creator growth and the impact of multilingualism in the creative world. Follow Iryna for insightful perspectives on how language and translation are shaping the future of creativity and global influence.

Статті автора

YouTube Title Testing - A Way to Choose the Title With the Highest CTR

3 гру 2024

YouTube Title Testing - A Way to Choose the Title With the Highest CTR YouTube Title Testing - A Way to Choose the Title With the Highest CTR

Have you ever dropped a ton of effort into a video, only to watch it barely pick up views? A great title can make or break your video. But how do you know which title will actually drive clicks and make people stop scrolling?

What Equipment to Choose for Creating Video Content?

2 гру 2024

What Equipment to Choose for Creating Video Content? What Equipment to Choose for Creating Video Content?

Ever caught yourself wondering, “What’s the best gear for my videos?” Looking for advanced tools, investing in the right YouTube recording equipment can make all the difference. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you decide on must-have video tools for every level, from basics to pro tips.

Секрети одночасного просування YouTube Shorts та TikTok

29 лис 2024

Секрети одночасного просування YouTube Shorts та TikTok Секрети одночасного просування YouTube Shorts та TikTok

Ви коли-небудь відчували, що занадто багато виконуєте справ, намагаючись створити контент і для YouTube Shorts, і для TikTok? Дві платформи, два різних стилі, і вдвічі більше зусиль, так? Що, якби існував спосіб зробити ваші відео кращими, а не складнішими?