YouTube Kids: Real Success Stories of AIR Media-Tech

Baby Ben & BIBO TOYS: YouTube Kids Success Stories

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7 Min

Last updated

12 Dec 2024

Baby Ben & BIBO TOYS: YouTube Kids Success Stories

Table of contents


Case #1: Baby Ben en Español – Canciones Infantiles


Case #2: Baby Ben em Português


Case #3: BIBO TOYS




What Problems YouTube Kids Solve?


What We Can Do for Creators


Ready to Reach Millions of Viewers?

Getting on YouTube Kids isn’t easy, and it’s not supposed to be. The platform has strict guidelines to ensure safe, high-quality content for kids and families.

But for creators who manage to meet the standards, the rewards are undeniable: a curated audience that’s perfectly matched to your content, less competition, and higher visibility for your channel.

At AIR Media-Tech, we’ve walked this road with countless creators. We know what it takes to secure a spot on this exclusive platform. It’s not guesswork it’s about understanding the rules, tailoring your approach, and submitting a strong application.

Let’s look at some real cases of our partners Baby Ben and BIBO TOYS, to see how creators made it on YouTube Kids and why it’s worth the effort.

Case #1: Baby Ben en Español – Canciones Infantiles

Baby Ben en Español already had a loyal audience of Spanish-speaking families, but they wanted more growth. The goal was to expand their reach, boost revenue, and get more eyes on their videos.

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What We Did:
We applied for YouTube Kids in late December 2023. Just one month later, Baby Ben en Español was live on the platform.

The Results:

  • Views skyrocketed by 396%: That’s right from 1.7 million views in December to over 8.8 million in January.
  • Revenue jumped by 110%: YouTube Kids drove 67.4% of their traffic, bringing in over 13.6 million quarterly views.
  • Long-Term Growth: Compared to the previous quarter, total views increased by 456%, and revenue climbed by 437%.

This kind of growth wasn’t a one-time fluke. Let’s look at Baby Ben’s Portuguese counterpart.

Case #2: Baby Ben em Português

The strategy was the same for Baby Ben em Português, but the results were uniquely their own.

What We Did:
Just like its Spanish version, we guided the channel through the YouTube Kids application process and got them onto YouTube Kids by January 2024.

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The Results:

  • Quarterly views doubled, from 968,475 to 2.3 million an increase of 142%.
  • Revenue soared by 456%, proving there is a huge earning potential.
  • YT Kids App Views: This accounted for 35.3% of their views, showing just how valuable the platform is for reaching new audiences.
  • CPM: Increased despite the lower season.

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Case #3: BIBO TOYS

If you thought Baby Ben’s results were big, wait until you see what happened with BIBO TOYS.

What We Did:
We got them onto YouTube Kids in just one month in January 2024, and their growth surprised even us.

The Results:

  • Monthly views exploded by 609%: They went from 10.3 million in December to an astonishing 73.4 million in January.
  • Revenue climbed by 227%: More views translated into significantly higher earnings.
  • Traffic Boost: In the following quarter, YouTube Kids drove 67.7% of their views, with 120 million coming from the platform.

BIBO TOYS statistics on YouTube Kids.


The Portuguese channel for BIBO TOYS proves that even smaller channels can achieve massive success with YouTube Kids.

What We Did:
We applied for YouTube Kids and got them approved in record time in January 2024.

The Results:

  • Views grew by 1859%: From just 262,158 views in December, they surged to over 5.1 million the next month.
  • Revenue grew by 253%: YouTube Kids traffic accounted for 78.3% of their total quarterly views, showing how critical the platform is for engagement.

BIBO TOYS achieved great success with YouTube Kids.

What Problems YouTube Kids Solve?

Let’s talk about why YouTube Kids is worth your attention. Here are the top 5 problems YouTube Kids can solve for you:

  • Oversaturation

On regular YouTube, you’re competing with everyone gamers, vloggers, beauty gurus. But YouTube Kids is a regulated space with far fewer creators, meaning your content stands out and reaches the target audience with ease.

  • Algorithm Challenges

On YouTube Kids, the system is designed to prioritize safe, child-friendly content like yours. This means your videos are more likely to be surfaced to young viewers and their families.

  • Monetization Limitations

We know ad restrictions on kids' content can feel limiting, but YouTube Kids offsets this by offering higher engagement and more niche-targeted CPMs. Plus, parents trust the app, which makes brands more willing to invest in advertising here.

  • Policy Risks and Demonetization

With YouTube Kids, your content is pre-approved as safe and age-appropriate. No more sleepless nights wondering if your video will be flagged.

But getting your channel on YouTube Kids isn’t just about meeting the platform’s strict content requirements it’s also about navigating a complex and often time-consuming process. Without a certified partner like AIR Media-Tech, this can take much longer and may feel overwhelming.

What We Can Do for Creators

It’s all about strategic preparation and expert guidance. Here is how we do it:

  1. Content Analysis: We review your videos to ensure they meet YouTube Kids’ strict standards.
  2. Tailored Recommendations: Our team provides detailed steps to align your content with platform standards.
  3. Application Management: Once your content is ready, we handle the entire process of getting your channel approved.
  4. Ongoing Support: After approval, we optimize your channel for maximum visibility and revenue growth.

So, you can either wait for YouTube’s algorithms to recognize your content as suitable or maximize your chances by partnering with AIR Media-Tech.

Ready to Reach Millions of Viewers?

Whether it’s Baby Ben or BIBO TOYS, our partners saw massive growth in views, revenue, and audience reach all thanks to YouTube Kids. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s about creating a sustainable, profitable future for your channel. YouTube Kids makes that possible, and we make it easy.

AIR Media-Tech already helped countless channels to grow by providing specialized tools and services. Contact us today and let’s start your journey on YouTube Kids!

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