Olha Kapinos
Global Creative Economy Expert
Olha Kapinos
Global Creative Economy Expert
Olha Kapinos is a standout in the creative economy and tech fields. She keeps up with the latest from VidCon to TechCrunch Disrupt and combines her passion for innovation with real-world experience. When she’s not tracking trends, she’s cycling across the globe — from Toronto to Turkey. Follow Olha for fresh insights and a unique perspective that blends industry knowledge with exciting adventures.
Статті автора
12 вер 2023
Ми впевнені, що ви теж не підписуєтесь на всі YouTube канали, які дивитеся. Так само і більшість ваших глядачів забувають натиснути кнопку "Підписатися". У цій статті ми зібрали 5 стратегій для розвитку каналу на YouTube, які допоможуть мотивувати вашу аудиторію підписатися на нього. Давайте розглянемо їх крок за кроком!
6 вер 2023
For YouTube content creators, it's vital to protect your work and get the earnings you deserve. The sheer volume of content uploaded daily makes managing copyright problems and disagreements tough. That's where YouTube Content ID comes to the rescue.
5 вер 2023
Luckily, there are lots of tasks creators can delegate to AI today. But what AI tools are truly efficient? To find an answer, we've explored countless tools, put them to the test, assessed their features, and put together a comprehensive list of 12 AI tools for creators – complete with their strengths and weaknesses.