Olha Kapinos

Global Creative Economy Expert


Olha Kapinos

Global Creative Economy Expert

Olha Kapinos is a standout in the creative economy and tech fields. She keeps up with the latest from VidCon to TechCrunch Disrupt and combines her passion for innovation with real-world experience. When she’s not tracking trends, she’s cycling across the globe — from Toronto to Turkey. Follow Olha for fresh insights and a unique perspective that blends industry knowledge with exciting adventures.

مقالات الكاتب

Best Video Distribution Platforms for Video Marketing in 2024

13 سبتمبر 2024

Best Video Distribution Platforms for Video Marketing in 2024 أفضل منصات توزيع الفيديو للتسويق بالفيديو في عام 2024

قد يجعل البقاء لفترة طويلة على يوتيوب المبدعين يعتقدون أن كل ما يفعلونه، بما في ذلك جماهيرهم وأموالهم، يدور فقط حول يوتيوب. ولكن تذكر، هناك الكثير في الخارج.

Techniques to Double Your CTR and Boost Views.

13 سبتمبر 2024

Techniques to Double Your CTR and Boost Views. How to Get More Views on YouTube and Double Your CTR!

Boosting your click-through rate (CTR) on YouTube can make all the difference when it comes to growing your channel and getting more views. With millions of videos competing for attention, having a high CTR will ensure that your content stands out in YouTube’s recommendations, search results, and other promotional spaces. In this guide, we'll break down what a good CTR on YouTube is, how to track it, and most importantly, how to improve it.

Delete Old Videos

5 سبتمبر 2024

Delete Old Videos Yes, You Can Delete Your Old Videos, But Here’s The Catch

Ever looked at that 5-years old video, wishing it to just go away? And the ‘delete’ button just looks oh so nice… The only question is — can you really do that?