Olha Kapinos

Global Creative Economy Expert


Olha Kapinos

Global Creative Economy Expert

Olha Kapinos is a standout in the creative economy and tech fields. She keeps up with the latest from VidCon to TechCrunch Disrupt and combines her passion for innovation with real-world experience. When she’s not tracking trends, she’s cycling across the globe — from Toronto to Turkey. Follow Olha for fresh insights and a unique perspective that blends industry knowledge with exciting adventures.

Artigos do autor

Kids Videos are Booming on Big Screens! How to Adapt to the Living Room Experience
Kids Videos are Booming on Big Screens! How to Adapt to the Living Room Experience Kids Videos are Booming on Big Screens! How to Adapt to the Living Room Experience

When was the last time you checked the devices in your YouTube Studio? If you're a kids' content creator, chances are your videos are getting more popular on big screens.

The Ultimate Guide to Video Optimization: Perfecting Titles, Descriptions, and Tags
The Ultimate Guide to Video Optimization: Perfecting Titles, Descriptions, and Tags YouTube SEO Optimization Guide: All Tips in One Place To Rank Your Videos

Are you wondering how to climb the YouTube ladder and get your videos to rank? Well, you're in the right place! This guide is all about video SEO and how it can give your YouTube content a mega boost!

YouTube Shorts VS Long Videos
YouTube Shorts VS Long Videos YouTube Shorts VS Vídeos Longos: O que funciona melhor?

A atenção dos espectadores no YouTube é notoriamente curta, com duração de 3 a 5 minutos. Como manter sua audiência engajada? Como fazer crescer um canal no YouTube? Você deve optar por YouTube Shorts ou se ater a vídeos longos? Essas perguntas estão constantemente em nossa mente. Mas sejamos realistas; a resposta não está no comprimento do vídeo, mas em como você o usa.