Olha Kapinos

Global Creative Economy Expert


Olha Kapinos

Global Creative Economy Expert

Olha Kapinos is a standout in the creative economy and tech fields. She keeps up with the latest from VidCon to TechCrunch Disrupt and combines her passion for innovation with real-world experience. When she’s not tracking trends, she’s cycling across the globe — from Toronto to Turkey. Follow Olha for fresh insights and a unique perspective that blends industry knowledge with exciting adventures.

مقالات الكاتب

Top 15 YouTube Niches in USA 2024

14 مايو 2024

Top 15 YouTube Niches in USA 2024 Top 15 YouTube Niches in USA 2024: Choose the Best Niche for Your YouTube Channel

For everyone who considers YouTube not only as a platform for creativity but also as a venue for earnings, you're in the right place.

Translate YouTube Metadata to Reach Global Views

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Translate YouTube Metadata to Reach Global Views YouTube Metadata: Your Gateway to High Rankings and Global Views

YouTube metadata might sound like just another technical term, but it's actually super important if you want your videos to get noticed on the platform.

Solving YouTube Copyright Challenges

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Solving YouTube Copyright Challenges Shield Your Automated Channel: Solving YouTube Copyright Challenges

Automated channels are raking in cash on YouTube even though using content from others is a big no-no here. Let's unpack how they do it.