Polina Aleksina


Polina Aleksina

Creative Copywriter

Artigos do autor

Viral YouTube Shorts
Viral YouTube Shorts What Do Viral YouTube Shorts Analytics Look Like? Real-Life Cases

We’ve noticed a lot of creators are curious about what the analytics for viral YouTube Shorts look like, so we’re here to share some insights and real-life cases.

How to hack YouTube algorithm
How to hack YouTube algorithm Unlock the Secrets of the YouTube Algorithm with Experts

With millions of YouTube users uploading millions of videos daily, the competition to get your video recommended by YouTube's algorithm can be tough. So, many creators have been questioning the effectiveness of YouTube's algorithms, wondering if they can hack them. Let's take a look at what the experts have to say about it!

most viewed youtube video in 24 hours

28 mai 2024

most viewed youtube video in 24 hours YouTube Most Viewed Video In 24 Hours

YouTube is considered a highly competitive platform due to its deep process of analyzing various data. The platform tracks the most viewed videos for 24 hours, which increases competition between millions of content creators. YouTube users contribute by following the most popular videos on the platform to stay up to date. Let's take a look at the top 10 most-viewed videos on YouTube!